Discover three eco-friendly coffee brands that will keep you healthy and energized
Last week, I had the amazing opportunity to join my daughter’s 6th grade camping trip. You could just imagine how fun it was!
Sustainable Shopping Made Simple
They slept near a fast river and there was a fire pit, smores, hot cocoa, and a lot of other activities that the kids really enjoyed.
Between all the planned activities, I had the chance to spend quality time with myself and other parents.
I didn’t sleep in a tent, I slept in the car. I know! Don’t judge me 😂
Nevertheless, not having a tent didn’t really diminish my whole experience… I would wake up to the warm rays of the sun while feeling the cold air of the forest and every morning I would take a deep breath to take in the sweet scent of nature.
Besides those refreshingly organic aromas, one aroma that made me feel at home even when I am away from home is the smell of brewing coffee.
Just like you, I'm addicted to coffee!
I can’t function without it. But my coffee set is no ordinary set, they’re all from brands that are highly regarded to be socially and environmentally conscious.
So I want to share with you how I make my day coffeelicious while staying sustainable.

Morning Coffee
I have two sets of coffee, one for my morning routine and one for the afternoon.
For my morning coffee, I always brew Equator Coffees & Teas Tigerwalk Espresso and add a spoonful of Fun Earth Morning Routine.
Why do I mix them? Because each ingredient amplifies the nuances that both offer to my palate. Plus, the health benefits of the Morning Routine are unparalleled.
I love Equator Coffees not just because it supplies me with almost limitless energy in the morning but also because the company shares my philosophy “our supply chain should be equitable, sustainable and beneficial for all involved.”
It has been awarded as a Certified B Corp because it has met the highest standards of social and environmental performance.
Who wouldn’t love that? You get to enjoy your morning coffee, guilt-free while not harming the earth!
Personally, I feel like a supermom every morning because of these sustainable brands.
Afternoon Coffee
Do you sometimes feel sleepy in the afternoon? I hear you! And I have the perfect coffee blend for you that is healthy and certified climate-friendly.
Rasa Cacao is a brand from Boulder Colorado that has been known for its adaptogen products and being “annoyingly ethical” - Yup! They got that feedback from their supply chain.
Here’s why you should love Rasa:
Sustainable Sourcing - They source over 50 botanicals from 15 countries, with an obsessive focus on long-term ecosystem sustainability, potency, geoauthenticity, & safety. For example: “don’t see wildharvested chaga in our ingredients? ...that’s because it’s endangered.”
Purity & Testing - They use a wide range of strategic testing at 3rd party labs for pesticides, heavy metals, sulfites, allergens, & microbial contaminants. They don’t use grains, fillers, or any of that crap.
Social Responsibility - They buy fair trade or direct trade, often paying better than fair trade prices. And they develop close relationships with suppliers around the world, building trust & friendship across their supply chain.
They’re not just my lifesaver when I have tons of work to finish but they are also a planet saver.
To bring my coffeelicious to the next level, I mix my Rasa Cacao with Fun Earth Mushroom Mocha that is sweet so I don’t need to add any sugar.
To wrap things up…
We don’t always have to compromise the planet so we can enjoy a cup of coffee or compromise our health just to feel energized, awake, and lively.
There are always alternatives to traditional coffee brands whose main goal is profit.
So for all the coffee lovers who want a sustainable lifestyle, we have the power of caffeine that’s good for our health and the environment in these brands!